Datasets ======== Currently supported datasets in the library: .. raw:: html
Static Dynamic
Soon to be added (or not tested): .. raw:: html
Static Dynamic
A dataset labelled as "bounded" means that the dataset is limited to a specific volume, while "unbounded" means that the dataset is not limited to a specific volume, and can be extended indefinitely. A dataset labelled as "monocular" means that the dataset is captured with a single camera (e.g. casual captures), while "multi-view" means that the dataset is captured with multiple synchronized cameras simultaneosly. A dataset labelled as "semi-monocular" (e.g. D-NeRF) means that the dataset contain either teleporting cameras or quasi-static scenes :cite:t:`gao2022dynamic`. Download -------- Download each dataset by running scripts in the `download `_ directory (``scripts/download``). The scripts will download the data and save it to the `data` directory. Configuration ------------- Each dataset has a individual configuration (e.g. ``BlenderConfig``) that extends more general configuration ``DatasetConfig`` that all datasets share. Configuration can be overridden by command line arguments or loaded from file.