Posts by Category



With the recently released dataset KITTI-360, we develop a set of novel benchmarks to facilitate research at the intersection of vision, graphics and robotics.

3D Controllable GANs

We define the new task of 3D controllable image synthesis and propose an approach for solving it by reasoning both in 3D space and in the 2D image domain.

Differentiable Volumetric Rendering

Deep neural networks have revolutionized computer vision over the last decade. They excel in 2D-based vision tasks such as object detection, optical flow pre...

Texture Fields

Recently, deep learning methods in the 3D domain have gained popularity in the research community. One of the major goals in this area is to reconstruct 3D c...

Occupancy Flow

An intelligent agent that can interact with the world has to be able to reason in 3D. In recent year, there has therefore been a lot of interest in learning-...

Learning to Drive in Cities

We propose a novel self-driving technique which addreses urban scenarios and doesn’t rely on detailed maps. This new approach learns high-level representatio...

Superquadrics Revisited

Recent advances in deep learning coupled with the abundance of large shape repositories gave rise to various methods that seek to learn the 3D model of an ob...

Occupancy Networks

In recent years, deep learning has led to many breakthroughs in computer vision. Many tasks such as object detection, semantic segmentation, optical flow est...

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Blog Launch

The Autonomous Vision Group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent System and the University of Tübingen is excited to launch our new research blog whic...

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